El Paso Medical Billing Services

The city of El Paso in West Texas is teeming with healthcare needs; the local population has access to medical professionals, but the quality of care could undoubtedly be improved. If you own a medical facility in El Paso, our Billers and Coders will assist you in reaching its full potential. We have offices in Florida, Texas, and California and have a presence all over the United States. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you are welcome to visit any of our offices at any time!

Expert Biller & Coders

As your medical billing service provider, we are an extension of your staff. Finding the right partner that understands your practice, specialty and billing needs can be difficult. Stars Proa trusted independent billing company that knows the industry and will optimize your reimbursements.

Complete Patient Billing

Stars Pro professionals take care of complete patient billing services for your practice, so you can focus on what is the most important patient care. Our coders are skilled and competent, with experience in more than 30 medical specialties.

Billing Sophistication

Stars Pro certified team will eliminate revenue loss by streamlining your practice entire workflow, from eligibility verification, to check in, co pay collection and helping you to optimize revenue collection.

Data Security

We are committed to keep your Protected Health Information (PHI) safe and secure. It is our top priority, to deliver a high level of security when it comes to your data. All our office workers are trained and informed about current HIPAA activities and aim to keep our office compliant.

Follow-up & Appeals

Stars Pro A/R specialists will take quick and effective action to ensure timely reimbursements, keeping you up-to-date on A/R follow up, appeals and denials. It is our responsibility that keeps our providers updated about the statuses of claims and reasons for delays.

Better Cash Flow

In healthcare Cash flows act as the lifeblood of any practice, and healthcare providers are no different. Stars Pro professional revenue cycle management services offer experienced biller and coders who can expertly handle all types of medical claims on the first submission.

What our company is offering

We provide revenue cycle management services across the board.

We provide medical practices with full operational and financial management support. Medical billing, coding, compliance monitoring, patient billing, credentialing, and data management services are among the services we offer. We handle the business side of medicine so that physicians can devote more time to patient care and achieve better results. You got exactly what you wished for! Working with us allows you to gain 16 hours per day. How? We work around the clock to expedite your workflow and provide revenue cycle support. An 8-hour workday can lead to missed claims, poor AR follow-up, and, on particularly busy days, complete chaos. We make certain that none of your medical claims go unbilled, unfollowed, or are simply forgotten.

El Paso credentialing services

There are several payers. We Process Claims For: We perform physician credentialing, payer provider contracting, EDI enrollment, insurance pre-authorization for services/procedures, patient eligibility verification, primary and secondary insurance claims processing, medical coding auditing, claim re-auditing, and pending AR collections. Our insurance billing specialists pay special attention to the top CPT codes and payers, where you get paid the most.

Fast Claim Submission & Flexible Pricing

Our team comprises quality control experts who thoroughly evaluate the claims. We also make sure that the claims are faster and accurately processed by the insurers. Our services are quite budget-friendly and are affordable for all types of practices. We have different packages for small, mid-sized, and large-scale practices.

Useful Reports

Measuring and analyzing your patient and billing data on a monthly basis is necessary for the success of your medical practice. This data tells you which areas of your medical practice is performing well after Stars pro services, and which areas may need some work either on your end or by ourmedical billing team. By reviewing past performance data and patterns, we can set realistic expectations and develop effective ways to meet them.

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Channel Partners

Stars Pro® Medical Billing inventive model is one of the fastest growing physician practice communities in the United States. We are dedicated to lashing change in the medical community by providing progressive, state-of-the-art solutions. Through our Channel Partnerships.

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